to obtain any book just click on the cover page. Para obtaner el libro solo haga click en la protada.

My Oldest Brother

It is a story of two brothers who met a new friend made of cardboard boxes. Es una historia de dos hermanos que conocen a un nuevo amigo echo de cajas de cartón.

Verdi the Green Pine Tree

It is a noble story of a small pine tree that goes through a painful route, but in the end, the pine tree ends the route in a wonderful place. Es una noble historia de un pequeño pino que pasa por una ruta dolorosa, pero al final, el pino termina la ruta en un lugar maravilloso. (English & Spanish)

Little Star

It is a hiding little star waiting to be found. 

My Little Friend

A little bird helped a girl recover her balloon that had slipped from her hands due to strong winds.

Jimmy & Luna

In a park, Luna meets a new friend, the little caterpillar named Jimmy. Luna shares with Jimmy the 8 benefits of life, which helped Jimmy to become a beautiful butterfly. (English & Spanish)

Fishing for the First Time

In this manual, I share my experience and some tips with you, on how to practice the sport of fishing for the first time as a family recreation.   (English & Spanish)